Samsung ukazuje možnosti 200Mpx snímače. Vyfotil s ním kočku a obří plátno umístil na mrakodrap v Soulu

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26. 07. 2022 12:09

Samsung Electronics, a world leader in advanced semiconductor technology, today introduced the ISOCELL HP1, the industry’s first 200-megapixel (MP) image sensor with 0.64μm pixels, and ISOCELL GN5, the first image sensor to adopt all-directional focusing Dual Pixel Pro technology with two photodiodes in a single 1.0μm pixel. “Samsung has been pioneering ultrafine pixel technologies that are taking high-resolution image sensors to the next level,” said Duckhyun Chang, executive vice president of sensor business at Samsung Electronics. “With the ISOCELL HP1 that is breaking barriers and ISOCELL GN5 bringing ultrafast auto focus, Samsung will continue to lead the trend for next-generation mobile imaging technologies.”

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27. 05. 2022 12:53

Na mrakodrap? :D

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